Medical Supervision in Bangalore

Medical Supervision

Proper and continuous medical supervision of the recovering patient is an integral part in the execution of our rehabilitation services. Our medical supervisor is a qualified doctor who works hand in hand with the therapists and rehabilitation team and ensures the safety of the patient by doing so.

A patient who is just out of the hospital requires constant medical attention and supervision- the more severe their condition, the higher is the need to be under medical care long after their discharge

Medical Supervision; what does it include?

Prior to the admission of the patient seeking rehabilitation and physiotherapy, the current condition of the patient and their physical and mental state is thoroughly assessed by the medical supervisor to obtain all relevant clinical information. A complete physical examination of the patient is done and the information obtained is used productively in the effective recovery of the patient.

The in house care of the patient is professionalised by the medical supervisor who regularly checks on the patients vitals and keeps a track on all relevant progresses. All the routine investigations that have been prescribed as a part of the follow up as per the discharge summary is sent for by the medical supervisor who evaluates the results of these and modifies the treatments accordingly.

The medical supervisor also assumes the responsibility of controlling the dosage of the prescriptions for each patient and Roger. He or she available throughout the day to attend to the needs of the patient. All the therapies are overlooked and declared medically safe so that the patient receives safe and approved therapies without any harm imposed on them.

Constant medical supervision is our way of ensuring that the patient receives effective and approved therapy that reaps maximum benefits at minimal risks.

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