“I came to HCAH SuVitas when I was completely helpless and bedridden with all tubes attached. I could not move at all. My recovery was the most essential thing for me, as I am an orphan and I have 2 little brothers who are dependent on me. The nursing care and the physiotherapy team here are remarkable and very supportive. Day by day, my movements improved, stiffness reduced. I am now able to walk with support. I can’t believe in a month’s time I am on my feet!
This would not have been possible if not for HCAH SuVitas.

Everyone normally says – things will get better, don’t worry. But that’s a state I would dream of and pray hard to reach. It was farfetched and I was not confident that day would ever come, but now with full confidence I can say ‘things are much better and am not worried at all’.

This is my second innings in life, a gift given to me by HCAH SuVitas and my dear friends without whom I would have been a burden to all. I am ever grateful to HCAH SuVitas and will never forget this place for the rest of my life.”

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